June 2024 Newsletter
Congratulations to students who advanced their belts in recent testing!
Welcome the Summer with Us!
Rose Hill Taekwondo is delighted to invite students and their families to join us tonight at 6:00 pm for a Pizza Party on us! We have all worked so hard together this year, let's celebrate our achievements, enjoy some great food, and take in the annual car show which opens at 7:00 pm.
This past month, several students advanced their belts to the next level. Congratulations to you all! Do you have photos of your child's test to share? Please send them along to us. We love to share our student's successes.
Our summer schedule is ready to update on our website - please see the details below and ensure you know what class days and times you are scheduled for. Check out our special events listings for June too!
Master Mario & the Rose Hill Taekwondo team